Sunday, August 2, 2015

Role / Functioning of Magistrates and Rorus Justice

Rest (Restless Twist): based on my past experience, there are a couple of beliefs i hold strongly and think are critical to making a legal system work
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): What would those be?

Rest (Restless Twist): 1) most complaints should be handled by a simple quick Magistrate hearing. only truly serious criminal charges need a trial - espionage, murder, etc. most things are handled ((in the books)) by a Magistrate simply having a Magistrates Hearing and dealing with it
Rest (Restless Twist): (( don't overload and kill the legal RP with huge complex time-consuming trials except for a very very few ))
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans) listening very interested.
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): I don't think Goreans did court that was very often.
Rest (Restless Twist): except for major criminal actions, almost everything should be dealt with quickly by a magistrate hearing. magistrate summons those required as witnesses, listens and rules. "curb-side justice"
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): Exactly how I wanted it done.
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): They can appeal magistrate to chief magistrate to high magistrate to Ubar/Admin, but if you are dead it is hard to appeal.
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): The chief scribe can not change the high magistrates decisions only the Admin or Ubar, but what I have been use to is they did not/would not over rule the high magistrate.

Rest (Restless Twist): 2) the scarlets are also under the cities laws, not above them. they serve arrest warrants and bring prisoners in for trial, they do NOT render their own judgment and punishment -- except in time of battle ((raiders just get killed, no trial))
Rest (Restless Twist): #2 is critical. i have seen many cities fail because the scarlets in reality ran the city
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): Yes, so have I

Rest (Restless Twist): 3) in all my experiences as a magistrate, the single most common issue was the collaring of a free woman. the laws need to be very clear about that, and the actual collaring ordered by a magistrate only. a free citizen can drag a women to a magistrate, but cannot simply collar and strip her.
Rest (Restless Twist): those are by far the biggest 3 things
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): Agreed,  Especially not the women of the village.

Rest (Restless Twist): #4 is a little more complex but very important and necessary to avoid confrontations and misunderstandings, what are the rights of visiting free inside this village? if visitors from a city we are allied with, they should have the same rights as our citizens. if from other cities, they have the same rights but on a very short leash, they need to keep their behavior clean and above reproach
Kati Beattie (Kati Evans): Yes, though that one gets a bit harder.  I don't even know if we are allied with any other cities or villages.

Rest (Restless Twist): to get things going in this city, i would suggest the following ... in this sequence....

Rest (Restless Twist): a) meet with nikki and commander (Kerok and Cassian)  to confirm that scarlets are under city law.

Rest (Restless Twist): b) prepare and issue a notice to the citizens listing who the magistrates and advocates are (and where that list can ve viewed on an ongoing basis)

Rest (Restless Twist): c) state in that notice that the legal system is active and ready for business, highlighting that most disputes should be brought to a magistrate for a quick hearing and judgment

Rest (Restless Twist): c') if a caste member breaks caste law, rather than village law, we will turn the offenders over to the Head-Of-Caste, and expect then to notify Magistrates of their decision and punishment

Rest (Restless Twist): d) upon each and every hearing, publish the result so folks know hearings are happening, and what was decided at each.  That requires Rorus notice ability
Rest (Restless Twist): that should do it

- Kati Beattie (Kati.Evans) -- High Magistrate
- Rest (Restless.Twist) -- Chief Magistrate & Advocate
- Strider Debruyere -- Magistrate
- Aziza Thorgeir (Skieleigh) - Advocate

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